
SPEAKER AND EDUCATOR FOR GROUPS – Dotti is available for groups interested in whole body health. Learn the best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and stack the odds against inflammation. Medical and Dental professionals, Businesses and Organizations that offer health and dental insurance will learn ways to reduce overall business expenses by offering PREVENTIVE education to staff and employees. One hour session: $500.00

EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS – Do you have questions about your mouth? Do you feel uneasy about what your doctor is recommending? Do you need an educated ear to hear your concerns and offer guidance in your choices and decisions? Do you seek prevention strategies and recommendations as it relates to YOUR MICROBIOME? Call today for a free 15minute consultation.  One hour: $50.00     30 minutes: $30.00

ERGONOMIC SEATING SPECIALIST, SALES REPRESENTATIVEBack Quality Ergonomics, LLC – Dotti will fit you with the right chair for your body for better posture, improved mental function and productivity. Call Dotti for details and pricing. See the array of choices at

PERSONALIZE COACHING in YOUR HOME – find out what toxins may be lurking in your home. Dotti guides families with tailored room by room review of the products you use daily.  From bathroom to bedroom to kitchen to garage – TOGETHER – we comb your home for potential toxins that may be affecting your health, and find alternatives that fit your budget and lifestyle. Small changes DO make a BIG difference. These changes REDUCE your spending on unnecessary and potentially dangerous products. Dotti is your cheerleader in reducing your risks for health challenges. Four hour visit: $200.00  Follow-up: $30/hour

**The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition.**

Please contact by phone or email for booking details.

We look forward to serving you!

Phone: 520-370-1139